Friday, 25 September 2009


I experimented with some of my black and white prints by toning them. I started toning by leaving my photograph in a tray of water for a minute. After the minute i took the photo out and left it in bleach to take all the black out of the photo. This part took a while for me as i chad a very dark print and i left my photo in the bleach for around 5 minutes which proved to be slightly to long. After this i washed the bleach thoroughly off of my print so that i could then put it into the sepia toner which replaced the black witha brown and the longer i left the photograph more intense the sepia tone became. I took my print out when i was happy with the outcome, washed the print and left it on the drying rack. i also used the same technique with a blue toner. i was really happy with some of my outcomes.

Poster Art

This one of my first goes at creating some poster art , but i would like to contiunue to work on the photo at a later date as it lacks much colour and is farely dull but i quite like this effect as it compares to a blank studio. I used the idea of having a main light source which i feel worked quite well. I used a few different techniques to make this, i firstly took an image of myself and 'burnt' & 'dodged' parts of the photo to make it lighter and darker. This then meant that when i used the 'stamp' filter to simplify the image. i then filled different parts of the image, i left the face filled white so that it wa sthe main focus of the image and i made the jumper and neck transparent to make it stand out less and emphasis the layers and depth of the image. I then took an image of a studio, made it the furthest layer and again used the 'stamp' filter. instea dof using dark black i used grey and white instead though as i didnt want the background to overpower my foreground. lastly i added the light and again used the same filter and a new layer to put on top. I chose a feathered brush and tried to add the effect of light coming out of the lamp. I am quite happy with the way the image has come out but i would like to do some more to this image at a later date.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

My First Blog

Heres my first go at a blog and hopefully you can see the photo i have posted. my first go at some studio photography. i took a series oh photo's using soft lighting from a window and i'm happy with the way it has turned out. i now want to try and manipulate the image to add different backgrounds and alter the brightness and contrast in the photograph.